Mott Community College is required by law to make available to enrolled students, prospective students, and their parents certain information about its operations. Such information pertains to: (1) general institutional operation, (2) financial aid, (3) general completion and graduation rates, (4) annual security report and safety and security, (5) completion and graduation rates for student athletes, and (6) athletic program participation rates and financial support.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) applies to all institutions that receive federal funding and helps protect the privacy of student educational records. The act provides the right to limit disclosure of information from educational records, the right to inspect and review educational records and the right to seek to amend those records.
* Much of the information above, as well as additional information, can also be found on the college’s website. If the links provided do not take you directly to the section of the document that is referenced, please do a ‘search’ for the specific title or section noted at