Students on academic probation who do not raise their cumulative grade point average to at least 2.0 at the end of two (2) semesters or sessions are subject to academic dismissal. Students who earn a 2.0 grade point average each semester or session while on academic probation may continue to enroll in college classes.
Students who are academically dismissed at the end of a semester or session are ineligible for re-enrollment at the college until one (1) 15 week semester has elapsed†. Requests for re-enrollment after one 15 week semester should be referred to the Office of the Registrar. The Registrar or designee may re-enroll the student on a credit restriction.
The procedure for academic dismissal includes:
Students who are academically dismissed for the second time will be ineligible to enroll until one calendar year has lapsed. Students who are academically dismissed for the third time will be ineligible to enroll until one calendar year has lapsed and they are able to transfer in 12 recent credits from an accredited college to show academic success after they were dismissed from Mott. To appeal any dismissal, the student will be required to complete an Application for Re-Enrollment After Academic Dismissal form. Student will need to be able to provide supporting documentation.
Application for Re-Enrollment After Academic Dismissal† Registrar reserves the right to review academic records to assist a one-time semester plan that the student can register for.
Students who have not maintained a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 by the time they have attempted at least 12 credits are placed on academic probation.
Students on probation are recommended to no more than 12 credits in a semester, with these exceptions: students on probation may enroll for 13 credits in a semester if an advisor or counselor approves; students on probation may enroll for 15 credits in a semester with the approval of a dean.
Students who earn a 2.0 grade point average each semester or session while on academic probation may continue to enroll in college classes even if their cumulative grade point average is below 2.0.
Students are removed from academic probation after cumulative grade point averages are raised to a 2.0 or better. Students who are on academic probation may not be allowed to enroll in e-Learning courses.
New students who have not attended another college or university are admitted on a regular basis. In order to remain in good academic standing after admission, students must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0 while enrolled at the college. Students who fail to maintain a 2.0 grade point average may be placed on probationary status. At the end of each semester/session, the Registrar reviews the transcripts of students whose grade point average falls below 2.0 for the first time, and sends letters stating that their academic standing may be affected if their grade point average does not improve.
Attendance is taken in all classes. Instructors will announce their attendance policy during the first class session, and their policies are on file in their dean's office.
Students are expected to attend class, since they are held responsible for the requirements of the course. Absence from class(es) does not excuse the student from course requirements.
For Financial Aid Recipients:
To be eligible to receive Title IV Financial Aid, students must be enrolled in and
attending classes. Mott Community College is required to monitor attendance on a regular
basis to justify the disbursement of federal financial aid.
As a general rule, changes in attendance patterns will mean changes in financial aid awards. Students not attending classes may be held liable for all charges incurred.
Currently, you can do a “what if I change my program (major)” in Backpack, however this is not permanent. To officially change your program of study, please access your "Account Manager" located under the "My Mott Apps" section in your MCC4me account. A guide is provided in the link below.
Using "Account Manager" to Change Program of Study (Major)Students who change their program of study or do not enroll in classes for a full academic year (e.g. - A student registered for Fall does not register for the following Winter, Summer or Fall semesters) will be required to follow the most current catalog and program requirements at the time of changing their program or returning.
The college reserves the right to cancel any class at the beginning of a semester
or session if the class does not have a sufficient number of students to warrant its
continuation. The division in which the class is offered will attempt to notify students
in the class if such action is taken.
It is the policy of the college to remain open whenever possible. If classes are
canceled during a semester or session because of inclement weather, area radio and television stations will be notified.
Please review MCC's Campus Closing & Weather Emergencies for complete details.
Once the drop/add period (i.e. 100% refund) has expired, students may drop and/or withdraw from classes by emailing the Registration & Enrollment Center at [email protected] (Please be sure to include the student’s full name, the student’s ID number, the semester and the class that is to be dropped; for example, ENGL-101-01. Students may also drop or withdraw from a class in person, on the second floor in the Prahl College Center, Room PCC 2050. Please be sure to review the appropriate semester deadline dates on the Academic/Registration Calendar.
DROPS & WITHDRAWALS - Please be sure to always review the appropriate semester deadline dates on the
Academic/Registration Calendar.
Drop Within Full Refund: Students dropped during this period (the add/drop period or i.e. 100% refund period) will not incur any financial implications to tuition, Federal Student Aid, etc. Please be sure to review the appropriate semester deadline dates on the Academic/Registration Calendar.
Drop Within Half Refund: Students dropped during this period will be responsible for half of the tuition costs incurred (at the time of registration) for the class that is being dropped. Please be sure to review the appropriate semester deadline dates on the Academic/Registration Calendar.
Drop with a “W” grade (Withdraw): Beginning with the date of record, tuition charges have been applied and refunds to Federal Student Aid need to be processed for students who are dropped on or after his date. Students dropped on or after the date of record could incur financial implications to tuition, Federal Student Aid, etc. Students are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office to determine any financial implications, and the impact that the Return of Title IV Funds rule may have on their current and/or future financial aid eligibility. Please be sure to review the appropriate semester deadline dates on the Academic/Registration Calendar.
Last Day to Withdraw: Last day to withdraw a student from a class. After this date students can no longer be dropped. Final grades must be reported. Please be sure to review the appropriate semester deadline dates on the Academic/Registration Calendar.
Courses and grades earned more than five years ago may be waived from consideration in computing a student's GPA for MCC purposes only. If this is done, all courses and grades prior to the fresh start date are waived. The grade point average is recalculated and posted on the student's record with the notation, "Fresh Start". All courses will be excluded for purposes of program requirements, graduation and probation. However, courses and grades remain on the transcript. Requests for a Fresh Start should be made in Advisement (PCC2040) or Counseling ( PCC2030). Fresh Start applications must have the signature of a counselor or advisor. If the student transfers to another college, that college will consider the full record of the student.
Please Note: The Financial Aid Office does not recognize Fresh Start in its GPA calculation.
Fresh Start GPA ApplicationAssociate Degree -
- Minimum 62 credits of which 15 credits minimum earned at MCC.
- Minimum total GPA of 2.0
- All course and program requirements must be met
- Minimum 30 credits of which 15 credits minimum earned at MCC.
- Minimum total GPA of 2.0
- All course and program requirements must be met
Credit for graduation cannot be earned more than once in the same course. If a student repeats a course, the second grade will be used to figure the grade
point average. Both grades, however, will remain on the student's record.
For students registering for the same course more than three times, the fourth registration
requires an advisor's or counselor's approval. No further registrations will be allowed.
Students who withdraw from college are recommended to see a counselor in the Counseling Center, PCC2030. Please see the Drop-Add Guidelines above for additional information