Guidelines for Bookstore Purchases Funded With Financial Aid

Financial Aid allows you to use a portion of your anticipated financial aid to purchase textbooks and supplies with Barnes & Noble. Financial aid is only available for use in the bookstore during specific dates (Please see Important Dates).

View your class dates to determine when you can purchase books for your classes, for all the various starts dates textbooks and supplies can be purchased during the first 15 week open book date, the other two dates are for students registering after the first semester starts. You will not be able to use financial aid outside of your class start dates timeframe, make sure to view important dates.

The amount available for use in the bookstore depends on the student's award and other tuition related charges, up to $1100. To determine how much available funds you have available for books, log into MyBackpack, and select Student Finance, if there is a credit under balance available (-1500) after charges have been paid, these funds can be used for books, there are no steps that you need to take, funds are automatically applied.

If your bookstore charges exceed the $1100 maximum award, you can contact the financial aid department to increase the amount of funds if available.

Charges made in the bookstore will be charged against Pell Grants, Direct Loans, and other sources of aid. Students will need their Student ID card or a State or Federal picture ID in order to charge against their account. A copy of their registration (electronically or paper) is also required in order to ensure the correct course material is purchased.

Any potential financial aid refunds will be reduced by the amount of aid used in the bookstore. If a student makes changes to enrollment that reduces the amount of aid they will receive, they will still be responsible for any charges made in the bookstore unless the merchandise is returned to the bookstore. See Bookstore for Return Policy.

Books can be purchased online at mcc.bncollege or in-store.

See bookstore web-site for additional information.