Customized Training

Our Corporate Service Department will work your team to design training solutions to meet your needs, your target employee productivity and your bottom line. The training will be designed to get your employees from where they are to where they need to be. We can also design a blended learning program to cater to a wide variety of learning styles. Whether the training is online, on-site or on campus we'll help you meet your company's objectives, promote growth among employees and win a competitive edge.

Mott Community College has hundreds of training programs and we are happy to customize scheduling to meet your needs. Training may be spread out over weeks or even held in the evenings. Our experienced and knowledgeable instructors bring real-time examples to the class room.

Upon completion, employees receive a certificate and evaluate their program content and instructor. This helps you determine whether additional training will benefit your employees..

Mobile Learning Lab

Mott Community College’s Mobile Learning Lab (MLL) allows us to take our training to you. The MLL eliminates transportation and technology barriers for both students and employers. The MLL is 48-foot-long and has double expandable sides with 1000 sq. feet of space inside. Wireless internet, computer stations and a flexible advanced manufacturing lab allows the MLL to be used for almost all of our training programs.

Additional Information on Mobile Learning Lab

Grant Administration

Our Workforce Development Division identifies grant opportunities to offset the cost of training for qualifying companies. We are happy to answer questions or concerns arising before, during and after training, and also offer assistance with grant applications and management.

Grant Applications and Management


An employee needs assessment may help your organization identify and prioritize training solutions to address your company’s most important goals. Our Corporate Service Department will work with you to complete a comprehensive assessment.
