MCC's Workforce & Economic Development division's Mobile Learning Lab (MLL) makes education and training more accessible by eliminating transportation and technology
barriers for students and employers with workforce development needs.
Program offerings to meet your talent pipeline needs include:
Virtual Welding
CNC Machining
3D Printing
Computer Literacy
Financial Literacy
Adult Education
Financial Aid (FAFSA)
College Admissions
And much more including customized training options
Student participating in welding exercise.
Presenter demonstrating features of lab to a group of students.
Presenter discussing featured lab equipment with a student.
Mobile Lab Features:
Mobile Lab Exterior showing one of the expandable sides.
48 foot long
22 student capacity
Double expandable sides with 1000 sq. ft. of space
Lab and classroom space can be reconfigured to suit
Wireless Internet throughout
Spaces include a classroom with Chromebook computer stations & a flexible advanced
manufacturing lab.