In the event of an explosion on campus, take the following actions:

  • Immediately take cover under tables, desks, or other objects, which will give protection against falling glass and debris.
  • Contact the Department of Public Safety at (810) 762-0222, or activate the nearest emergency call box. Give your name and describe the location and nature of the emergency.
  • In the event of a fire/explosion, activate the building fire alarm and evacuate the affected building by the nearest safe exit.
  • If persons with disabilities cannot safely evacuate the building, assist them to the nearest stairwell away from damaged area and notify emergency personnel of their location. Evacuation chairs are available for use in each building on campus.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Once outside, move to a clear sheltered area that is away from the affected building. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
  • Do not return to the evacuated building unless authorized by a uniformed public safety, police or fire officer.