There are a number of ways to showcase your students and their engagement in experiential
learning. The Office of Experiential learning can assist you with publicity through
any of the following media sources:
- Annual Report
Each year the Office of Experiential Learning publishes an annual report that
showcases exemplary experiential learning projects. To have your project considered
to be included in this publication, you can send photos, a brief description, and
student comments about the project to [email protected]. The submission will be
juried for inclusion and you will be notified of the status of your submission.
- InfoChannel
At the end of each semester, all of the projects for that semester are compiled
and placed on the Infochannel for showcasing experiential learning and student engagement.
- Facebook
While students are at the service site, the faculty supervisor can take photos
along with a brief picture caption and have them uploaded to the MCC Facebook site.
Please submit your request to [email protected]
- Experiential Learning Reception
At the end of the academic year, the CTL hosts an Experiential Learning Reception
and Awards Ceremony. Anyone who has contributed to their community through experiential
learning whether through classroom learning or service through the CTL are recognized
for their contributions. Anyone interested in service learning or supporting service
learning are also welcome to attend.
- Poster Exhibit
At the end of each academic year, photos and project descriptions are used to
create a colorful poster exhibit that is displayed at the Experiential Learning Reception
and various places around campus.
- Experiential Learning Website
The Experiential Learning website features photos, a list of experiential learning
courses, sample projects, resources and much more.