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FAQs for Students

MCC students travel with the benefit of exceptional support. From preparation prior to your departure and on-the-ground resources, to funding support and advising, students can be confident that their experience will be rewarding and valuable. Any MCC student who is in good academic and disciplinary standing, and is at least 18 years old is eligible to study abroad.

Whether you choose to study in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, the Middle East, North America or South America, you will benefit both personally and professionally from this life-changing experience.

You'll develop global competencies: the ability to work effectively in international settings; an awareness of and adaptability to diverse cultures, perspectives and approaches; a familiarity with major currents of global change and the issues they raise; effective communication skills that can cross cultural and linguistic boundaries; and a comprehension of the international dimensions of your field of study.

You will be able to prepare for your future. Study abroad provides problem-solving skills, as well as a sense of direction and purpose for your future career. You'll learn how to work independently and as part of a team, all the while developing self reliance and an adventurous spirit.

Studying abroad is an investment in yourself and your future. The MCC International Institute strives to develop programs that are as affordable as possible. All MCC students may apply for grants and scholarships, and can sometimes apply financial aid to study abroad program costs as well.

No, but you do need to be academically ready to study in another country. Generally, a GPA of 2.5 or better is required.

Studying abroad is challenging, but the MCC International Institute will orient you before your departure, introduce you to MCC students who have studied abroad, provide information on getting a passport, talk to you about your health and safety abroad and much more.

It's never too early to start planning; ideally, getting started at least 8 months in advance of your departure allows sufficient time for very thorough planning and preparation.

Absolutely! Language learning is not the only reason to go abroad!

Applications will not be reviewed until all materials are on file. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all required materials have been received by the Study Abroad office or faculty program leader. Students with a complete application will receive at least one interview prior to admission. Decisions are generally made by October 25th and applicants will be notified via email.

Students with a complete application will receive an admission decision in two to four weeks. Applicants will be notified by email.

For competitive programs or tracks, MCC Study Abroad may in some cases place applications on hold until a review of the full applicant pool is completed.

Many study abroad programs offer special world language courses for program participants which are designed to be appropriate for the student's level of competency in that language (this will be stated in the eligibility requirements). Students who take regular classes in a world language alongside host-country students should expect a challenging academic environment and should be prepared to put forth extra effort in overcoming the language barrier. It is important to note that most professors understand the situation of international students and will usually issue grades and evaluate effort with a student's language difficulties in mind.

To meet local students and friends, students must be friendly and active about making friends; local students may appear standoff-ish. It is also worthwhile to meet international students that are studying at your site. International students are in a similar study abroad situation and trying to make friends as well. Engage in orientation seminars, ice-breakers, and events to meet people. Other Americans and MCC students that are studying abroad is a third option for a social circle. However, spending time only with Americans could have negative effects on the rate of world language acquisition.

It is normal to get homesick and it is normal to fall in love with your host country. In short, be prepared for many emotional ups and downs, but do not let these spoil the experience abroad. Most students remember the good things, and very few students report negative experiences when they return.

Indeed many students have reported being bombarded with criticism about the current president, American foreign policy, and sometimes even the American lifestyle. This may make students uncomfortable, especially when they are torn between defending policies they might or might not personally agree with and standing up for their country. Don't be surprised if you find yourself expressing opinions you never thought you would just because someone is telling you how bad they think the USA is. The best strategy is probably to keep discussion on the level of civilized debate and not to let passions run too high.

The visa requirements for countries differ. If a student requires a visa for their study abroad program, the faculty program leader and/or the study abroad office will give the student information about the visa requirements and what steps need to be taken to get their visa.

All students who study abroad must show proof of health insurance that provides adequate medical and accident coverage for the entire duration that they are abroad. Additional travel insurance may be required depending on the program.

Skype, Google Voice, Facebook, iMessage, Facetime…the possibilities are endless. We don’t recommend calling home from a cell phone unless it is an emergency given the high cost of international calls.

A copy of your passport may or may not be required to be accepted to your program. Contact your study abroad office to find out whether it is a requirement for your application. Note: Although a passport may not be required for all programs in order to apply, you will need a valid passport in order to study abroad. The process to obtain a new passport or to renew an expired passport is about 4-6 weeks, and so it is recommended that you apply for your passport as soon as possible.

  • A passport is a document from your home country that confirms your citizenship.
  • It is the only form of identification recognized everywhere that verifies your citizenship.
  • You need a current passport that is valid beyond the time your program ends.
  • Some countries require that your passport be valid at least six months beyond the dates of your trip. Some airlines may not even allow you to board if this requirement is not met.
  • The normal processing time to obtain a passport is four to six weeks, longer during peak travel season.
  • Scan your passport and other travel documents and email the copies to yourself and your emergency contact in the U.S.
  • Keep copies in a safe place, separate from where you keep your original documents.