Funding is out there!

If you’re a Mott department head, employee or faculty member with an identified need, and you’ve familiarized yourself with the Grant Development Office and Grant Development 101, then you may be ready to begin work on a grant.

The Grant Development Process consists of 6 steps:

Step 1

Need Research

Step 1 should be completed prior to contacting the Grant Development office.

Grant-seekers should identify a funding need that either 1) fulfills an Institutional Advancement Strategic Funding Priority, 2) falls under the MCC Strategic Plan or 3) is a faculty-identified need.

For faculty-identified need, grant-seeking faculty members must obtain approval from their academic dean and executive leadership.

Step 2

Form Submission

Note: MCC sign-in credentials required to access/view/download documents or forms as indicated with this icon:

The Grant Development office has provided four forms to be completed before the grant development process can officially begin.

Grant seekers should complete:

Once these forms have been received and reviewed, we’ll be in touch!

Step 3

Grant Research

After grant seekers meet with the Grant Development Office and obtain approval, the office will begin to research funding sources. For grants developed in conjunction with IA Strategic Funding priorities and the MCC Strategic Plan, the office will contact relevant faculty and staff. For grants in response to a faculty-identified need, the office will assess the project feasibility and alignment with the Strategic Plan and Funding Priorities.

Step 4

Grant Application

During the Grant Application phase, the Grant Development Office will liaise with grant-seeking departments to:

  1. Form a planning committee
  2. Develop a work plan and set mutual expectations
  3. Write and develop a concept and budget
  4. Draft the grant application
  5. Review application via the planning committee
  6. Revise the grant application
  7. Review revisions via the planning committee and executive leadership
  8. Prepare a Final Proposal Packet for the appropriate signatures
  9. Submit the full proposal

Step 5

Grant Award

The Grant Development Office will work with the Project Manager, the Accounting Department and the appropriate member of the Executive Cabinet to schedule a kick-off meeting within 10-15 business days following receipt of a grant approval letter or a check from the funder, whichever comes first.

During the kick-off meeting, the Planning Committee will confirm the timeline, budget, chain of command and accountability, establish communication channels and sign an internal agreement outlining expectations.

Step 6

Grant Administration and Compliance

The Grant Administration and Compliance phase is the final phase of the Grant Development process and it is essential for all parties complete its requirements in a thorough and timely manner.

The Grant Agreement is a legal contract between MCC and our funders to fulfill the terms of our grant proposal. As a result, grant seekers must maintain accountability and transparency in grants management. Accountability is here defined as “an obligation or willingness to explain our actions to stakeholders” while transparency is “an obligation or willingness to make available critical data about the organization.”

As a result, grant-seekers must ensure Programmatic and Budget Compliance, by keeping solid records of the grant proposal, receipts and reports and by tracking spending regularly, as well as working together as an office to develop complete and comprehensive reports for the funder.

The Grants Office works in collaboration with the Project Manager, the appropriate member of the Executive Cabinet and Accounting to produce interim and final reports according to dates outlined in the grant agreement.

The Project Manager is lead in preparing the Narrative Report, receiving technical assistance from the Grants Office, while Accounting will take the lead on budgetary reporting, with technical and administrative assistance from the Project Manager and the Grants Office.