
It is important for all users to check their email on a regular basis. Gmail is the Mott College standard for email and calendaring. Gmail is used for college-wide communications and lets you communicate electronically with other Gmail users and other email packages. Mott Community College Gmail is available to all Mott employees. To request a Gmail account, contact the Help Desk at 2-HELP (24357) or (810) 767-4357.

Voice Mail

Each faculty and staff member is assigned a voice mailbox for sending and receiving telephone messages. To receive a voice mailbox number and instructions for accessing voice mail, please check with your division’s administrative assistant.

ID Cards

ID cards are required to enter the faculty parking lot, check out materials from the Mott Library, and can have a cash value added to be used in vending machines and to exit the paid parking lot. To obtain your ID card, contact your division office.