At Mott Community College, civility is in our hearts!

The MCC 2022-2024 Institutional Priorities and Strategic Plan declares that “civility and respect of self – and others – are the foundation of educational excellence.” We strive to build a supportive and welcoming college community through the ongoing practice of civility. That means acting with civility, respect, honesty, kindness, caring, support, helpfulness and acceptance.

Practicing Civility at Mott Community College graphic
  • Show me…
    • Respect
    • Honesty
    • Kindness
    • Caring
    • Support
    • Helpfulness
    • Acceptance
    • Civility
  • Be…
    • Kind
    • Genuine
    • Civil
    • Caring
Mott Rocks
two women close up selfie
Civility Team members at a Valentine's Day event
Civility Team members at an event
Civility Team members at an event

Your Civility Team meets monthly to encourage civility on campus. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to volunteer or join. For more information, contact Darrian Bush at (810) 462-0455.

In addition to modeling civility yourself, we invite you to participate in celebrations of civility and nominate MCC employees for recognition for modeling civility.

Finally, all members of the MCC community are invited to review the Board Policy on Civility.