Table of Contents

4000 Business Management/Facilities

4005 Facilities Development
4100 Building Site and Improvements
4175 Inventory Control
4200 Foundation for Mott Community College
4201 The Bruin Club of Genesee County
4205 Naming Buildings, Grounds, and Facilities for Financial Support
4210 College Fund-Raising Events
4300 Selection of an Architect/Duties and Responsibilities
4400 Supervision of Construction and Change Orders
4410 Purchasing
4500 Contractors Fair Employment Clause
4560 Use of College Facilities
4561 Protection of Minors
4570 Alcoholic Beverages
4600 Contractors Affidavits and Guarantees
4610 Buildings and Grounds Management
4620 Risk Management
4625 Bonded Employees (and Board of Trustee members)
4630 Public Safety
4670 Vendor Relations
4680 Transportation
4681 Private Vehicles
4700 Disposal of College Property – Personal Property
4710 Disposal of College Property – Real Estate
4850 Mail and Delivery Services
4950 Information Resource/Data Management
4995 Credit Card Transactions
4996 Safe and Secure Storage of College Personal Property

4005 Facilities Development

General: The Board will provide the best facilities possible, within financial resources available, to meet the educational needs of the students in the College. Efforts will encompass new construction and expansion, as well as renovation and remodeling of existing facilities to serve specific educational needs of students.

  1. Decisions pertaining to the planning, construction, renovation, and elimination of educational facilities will be made only after considering the viewpoints and needs of students, faculty, staff, taxpayers, and appropriate members of the administrative staff.
  2. All major projects must be in line with the College master plan and in consultation with the College Architect.
  3. Implementation of all decisions will be carried out under the auspices of the President and designated staff.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.121(1)

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: April 20, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4100 Building Site and Improvements

General: The Board and the President, will project the future building needs of the College Acquisition of sites and building improvements should be planned well in advance of need.

The following basic policy statements apply to building and site improvements:

  1. The President and designated staff will develop long range building plans and improvements (Master Plan) for Board approval.
  2. Long-range plans will be updated periodically. They will be aligned with State of Michigan capital appropriation and, grant funding criteria when practical and feasible.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.125 (E) (F)

Approved: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: April 20, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4175 Inventory Control

General: By the nature of College programs and services, supplies and materials must be on hand to ensure shelf life of items is maintained, and inventories are not excessive, in order to serve students and staff effectively.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. Supplies and materials will be purchased in accordance with the College’s purchasing policy.
  2. Local, state, and federal cooperative purchasing systems will be utilized when prices are competitive and standards are met.
  3. The Chief Financial Officer will establish inventory control procedures.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.103 and 125, as amended

Reviewed: April 20, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4200 The Foundation for Mott Community College

General: The Board has established the Foundation for Mott Community College as the appropriate entity to solicit and accept monies to augment College programs and services. The Foundation will provide resources exclusively for the benefit of the educational, literary and scientific activities of the College.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. The Foundation for Mott Community College will promote and support activities of the College, either in the name of the Foundation or in conjunction with the College, to provide broader opportunities than would be available solely from taxes and other sources.
  2. The Foundation will acquire and distribute resources to the College for the benefit of students, faculty, staff and the educational, literary, multicultural, and other activities of MCC.
  3. The Foundation serves as the repository of private gifts and grants donated to the College unless otherwise specified by the donor.
  4. The assets of the Foundation for Mott Community College are expected to be managed prudently under guidelines established by law and the Foundation.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.103; MCL 389.125, as amended

Approved: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: April 20, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4201 The Bruin Club of Genesee County

General: The Bruin Club of Genesee County is an appropriate entity to solicit and accept monies for the purpose of acquiring and distributing resources to the College for the benefit of student athletic activities at the College.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. The Bruin Club will promote and support activities of the College, either in the name of the Bruin Club, or in conjunction with the College, to provide broader opportunities than would be available solely from taxes and other government sources.
  2. The Bruin Club will comply with all applicable laws and rules of the College.
  3. The assets of the Bruin Club are expected to be managed prudently under the guidelines established by law and the Bruin Club.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.103 and 125, as amended

Reviewed: April 20, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4205 Naming Buildings, Grounds, and Facilities for Financial Support

General: The College may wish to approve the naming of College property to honor extraordinary or distinguished contributions of individuals, families, organizations, foundations, corporations, or other entities and concurrently raise funds in cooperation with the Foundation for Mott Community College or the Bruin Club of Genesee County.

The Board provides these standard guidelines to name buildings, sites, classrooms, roadways or other common areas, including landscape and sculpture items, in recognition of distinctive service or support, or in memoriam, coupled with a financial support gift to the Foundation for Mott Community College or the Bruin Club of Genesee County.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. The Board establishes the following criteria for naming in recognition of financial support.
    1. For naming in recognition of monetary gifts, the donor will be expected to provide all or a substantial part of the cost of the entity.
    2. Donors may be individuals, families, organizations, foundations or corporations.
    3. In establishing objectives for a fundraising campaign, the President of the Foundation will establish a schedule of naming opportunities and the level of donation required for each in consultation with the President of MCC.
  2. The Board also sets forth the following general provisions:
    1. No naming will be approved (or once approved, continued) that will call into serious question the public respect of the College.
    2. Names of facilities or areas should lend prestige to the College, staff, students, and the community. The credentials, character and reputation of each individual, organization or corporation for whom the naming is being considered shall be carefully scrutinized and evaluated by the President. Nominations submitted for consideration must be accompanied by appropriate documentation and rationale.
    3. Where a building or part of a building has been named, the College will continue to use the name so long as the facility remains in use and serves its original function.
    4. When the use of a building, room, or facility must be demolished, substantially renovated, or rebuilt, the College may retain the use of the name, name another comparable room or facility, or discontinue the use of the name altogether.
    5. It is the responsibility of individuals soliciting donations on behalf of the College to advise potential benefactors that their gift could be recognized by naming.
  3. The President will establish a procedure for requesting naming for financial support. The President in consultation with staff, including the Foundation for MCC and/or the Bruin Club of Genesee County, is responsible for the determination of merit for any proposal.
  4. The President will make recommendations for any naming request to the Board.
  5. The Board has the final authority to approve naming requests or nominations.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.103; MCL 389.125, as amended

Approved: September 22, 2003
Reviewed: April 20, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4210 College Fundraising Events

General: Financial support for the College is a responsibility of the citizens within the community. Funds to operate all aspects of the College are derived from local, state, and federal sources. Certain special events or extra activities above and beyond regular programs may require financing exceeding the limits of the College budget. In those cases, fundraising drives by College booster clubs and organizations other than the Foundation and/or the Bruin Club may be appropriate. Fund-raising projects may also be used to support College programs when unexpected financial emergencies arise.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. College fundraising activities or events in the name of the College, or for its benefit, require advance written approval by the President or his/her authorized designee.
  2. Requests from staff members or other groups including booster clubs and other organizations will be forwarded to the College administrator designated by the President as outlined in a fundraising administrative operating procedure.
  3. A standard accounting procedure will be provided by the Chief Financial Officer to ensure uniformity of procedure and proper fund accounting.
  4. Upon completion of the fundraising drive or event, a public announcement of appreciation will be made.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.103; MCL 389.125, as amended

Approved: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: April 20, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4300 Selection of an Architect/Duties and Responsibilities

General: Whenever necessary, the College will secure/retain an architectural firm to provide architectural and engineering services in planning for and/or constructing College facilities.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. The selection of an architect will comply with current statutes.
  2. When architectural services are bid by the College, the President or designated staff will assure that qualified interested parties are given an opportunity to submit proposals in accordance with bid specifications.
  3. The architect will assume responsibility to ensure that all product and workmanship guarantees, and warranties for materials and performance of services are duly executed and that those signed documents are delivered to the College.
  4. The President and designated staff will review the performance of the College architectural firm every three years and make recommendations to the Board to either continue the services or seek bids for the service.
  5. The President will recommend a College architectural firm to the Board for their approval.

LEGAL REF: MCL 388.851 - 388.855(a)

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: April 20, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4400 Supervision of Construction and Change Orders

General: The Board invests major sums of capital funds in new construction and renovation to existing facilities and grounds. Supervision of all construction projects is essential to ensure compliance with building codes, state and federal laws and regulations, safety issues, and architectural plans which meet schedules and budgets.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. Supervision of construction projects is the responsibility of the architect and College administrator(s) assigned by the President.
  2. The architect/staff will hold progress meetings.
  3. The Board is to receive periodic reports regarding the status of construction and renovation projects.
  4. Fiscal control must be maintained on all projects. Occasionally, Change Orders may be required due to unforeseen conditions, changes requested by the College and omissions in construction plans.
    1. The President or his/her designee is authorized to execute Change Orders on behalf of the Board for any renovation, demolition or other unforeseen construction problems under contract not to exceed $58,000 as adjusted in accordance with Section 4410, subparagraph 8.
    2. All Change Orders must follow established purchasing policy.
    3. Approved Change Orders must be within the approved budget for the project.
  5. The Board Chair and Board Finance Committee Chair shall be advised within a reasonable time with change orders cumulative to $50,000.

LEGAL REF: MCL 388.851- 855a; MCL 389.124, as amended

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: April 20, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009
Revised: February 19, 2024
Reviewed: February 26, 2024
Approved: March 25, 2024

4410 Purchasing

General: Purchases should be based on quality and price. Qualified vendors should have the opportunity to bid on College purchases. This policy is established to ensure that sound business practices are followed in the purchase of furnishings, equipment, materials, goods and supplies.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. Approved purchases currently not exceeding $29,000, and adjusted annually as outlined in Subsection 8 of this policy, will be made on the open market consistent with sound purchasing procedures.
  2. Approved purchases currently exceeding $29,000, and adjusted annually as outlined in Subsection 8 of this policy, are to be made through the use of specifications and sealed bids/quotes from at least three persons, firms or corporations known to deal in the particular class of materials described in the specifications, provided that if three vendors cannot be obtained, those quotations received may be sufficient.
  3. Bids on purchases exceeding $125,000 must be recommended to the Board for approval.
  4. To obtain the most favorable prices and quality, certain items may be purchased on a cooperative basis though the Hospital Purchasing Service, statewide Regional Educational Media Center (REMC), Cooperative Purchasing Program, Food Service Cooperative Purchasing, and/or State of Michigan purchasing contract. Other appropriate consortium competitive bidding programs may be used as vendor quotations for purchase approval or recommendation to the Board.
  5. The College will attempt to purchase materials, goods or supplies locally when quotations are reasonable and comparable.
  6. Construction of new buildings and additions will be bid and awarded in accordance with provisions of the Michigan Community College Act. When other relevant factors are substantially equal, the College may give preference to contractors paying property taxes to the College district over those who do not.
  7. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or quotations received under this policy.
  8. With the exception of Section 3, the financial limits set forth above will be adjusted each July 1 by the previous calendar year’s United States Urban Consumer Price Index for all consumers, as defined and reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (rounded to the nearest next thousand).
  9. The Board Chair and Board Finance Committee Chair shall be advised within a reasonable time with change orders cumulative to $50,000.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.103 and 125, as amended.

Approved: April 24, 2000
Revised: May 22, 2000
Revised: October 27, 2003
Revised: July 1, 2006
Reviewed: April 20, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009
Reviewed: June 26, 2017
Revised: August 28, 2017
Revised: April 19, 2024
Reviewed: April 22, 2024
Approved: May 20, 2024

4500 Contractors Fair Employment Clause

General: It is the intent of the Board to award all contracts to qualified contractors and subcontractors who do not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, sex, color, religion, creed, physical handicap, ancestry, national origin, height, weight, sexual orientation, or marital status.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. The President will determine whether the use of a project labor agreement covering that project will benefit the interests of the project and of the College.
  2. Prior to awarding a bid or purchase order for construction, materials, and services a firm must verify that they are in compliance with all state and federal laws. The College Architect, President and designated staff will review and evaluate all plans recommended for approval.
  3. Financial limits of contracts the President may approve will be in accordance with Section 4410, Subsections 3 and 8.

Note: A Project Labor Agreement approved by the Board on May 18, 1998 is on file in the President’s Office.

LEGAL REF: MCL 37.2101 - 2211 (Michigan Civil Rights Act); Fair Employment Practices Act; MCL 37.1101 - 1303 (Handicappers Civil Rights Act); P.A. 251, 1955; P.A. 344, 1955; and P.A. 349, 1966.

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: April 20, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4560 Use of College Facilities

General: The Board establishes this policy to authorize, govern, and expand, where appropriate, the use of College facilities and/or properties by organizations and individuals that primarily reside in the district.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. Outside organizations and individuals may use College facilities and/or properties if the organization/individuals provides unique and valuable educational and vocational opportunities, increases the vitality and diversity of the academic atmosphere and facilitates the promotion and development of the College by displaying its programs to potential students, supporters, and prospective donors.
  2. The President and/or designated staff will develop procedures for authorizing the use of its facilities and/or properties for activities that further the goals of education or support the needs of the community. College educational facilities and/or properties may be utilized by groups or organizations closely allied or directly associated with education; i.e. educational groups, community groups and affiliates, professional associations, etc.
  3. Written verification will be sent to the sponsoring organization/individual responsible, prior to the meeting date, including a copy of the policy governing the use of College facilities and/or properties and the name of a contact person at the College
  4. Organizations granted the use of College buildings may be required to pay all costs attendant to the use of College properties and/or facilities, and are to be advised of the state laws regarding the use; i.e., no smoking, no alcoholic beverages (except where permitted), etc. Each user of College property and/or facilities will be advised that failure to comply with all local and state laws, board policies regarding the use of College facilities and/or failure to comply with the general policies of the Board is sufficient grounds to terminate use immediately and/or deny future use of College property and/or facilities to the group in question.
  5. As a condition of the use of College property and/or facilities, all users must agree to promptly pay for all damages to property and/or facilities occurring during the course of use whether damage arises during the use, or as a mere incident of use. In order to assure reimbursement for damage, the President/authorized designee are authorized, at his/her discretion, to require and hold an appropriate security deposit.
  6. When the use of College property and/or facilities involves attendance at a College site by members of the general public, the President/authorized designee is required , as a condition of granting authority for the use of College property and/or facilities, to receive and return evidence that the using organization is adequately insured for public liability and property damage to the extent that the College will be held harmless from any and all claims of loss or injury arising out of the use.
  7. In the event that the proposed property and/or facilities use is of a nature that the President/authorized designee, at his/her discretion, believes it to be in the best interest of the College to have a College employee in attendance during the use of property and/or facilities, the President/authorized designee may charge the user the cost of personnel in addition to any scheduled charge.
  8. The President and/or designated staff will develop a fee schedule that will take into consideration reasonable costs for custodial services, electricity, heat, and other related costs. These costs may be assessed/waived at the discretion of the President/authorized designee.
  9. The President/authorized designee must approve all publicity/advertising materials placed on MCC bulletin boards, walls, and any other part of College property and/or facilities, in advance. The President will establish rules for the enforcement of this provision which are consistent with the free speech guarantees of the U.S. and Michigan Constitutions. The placement of publicity/advertising materials placed on vehicles parked on College property is prohibited.

LEGAL REF: Code of City of Flint, Chapter 31-59, Sections 1 and 2, as amended; MCL, 389.103; 389.121(1)(a)

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Revised: November 26, 2001
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4561 Protection of Minors

In matters of child welfare, the College shall place the highest priority on the interests of the minor. Mott Community College is committed to providing a safe environment for minors who participate in College programs and activities. The College endeavors to prevent harm to minors and to take prompt steps to address any harm that may occur. This obligation includes the protection of minors from abuse or neglect, including sexual abuse, and requires prompt and effective response to suspicions of, or observations of abuse or neglect.

No employee, student, volunteer, or member of the community shall harm a minor; this prohibition applies to individuals and members of outside groups that may use College facilities, participate in College programs, or otherwise be present on college property. The College will hold accountable any individual within its authority who harms a minor. College employees will follow all federal and state laws, as well as any applicable procedures and administrative guidelines in the reporting of issues of child welfare, child abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect. The College will cooperate with county, state, and federal authorities charged with the protection of minors.

Parents/guardians accompanying minors are expected to provide supervision at all times. College employees are expected to contact and involve government authorities in matters of child welfare through Public Safety or others as appropriate, except for situations of mandatory reporting of child abuse or neglect, in which reporting to government authorities is required and not optional.

The College will endeavor to protect minors by defining responsibilities of employees, students, volunteers, and those unaffiliated with the College who use College facilities or participate in College programs.! Responsibilities may include the following: (i) meeting standards established for programs and activities that serve minors, (ii) participating in awareness training on child abuse and neglect, (iii) establishing effective protocols for dealing with unsupervised minors, (iv) screening, as determined to be appropriate, for employees, students, and volunteers who may have significant interaction with minors, and (v) meeting legal obligations for reporting child abuse and neglect.

The President is authorized to establish procedures necessary to implement this policy.

Reviewed: August 27, 2018
Approved: August 27, 2018

4570 Alcoholic Beverages

General: The students, employees, and visitors of the College are expected to observe all federal, state, and local laws, as well as this policy, governing the lawful distribution, use, and possession of alcohol while on College property and/or when participating in authorized off-campus, College -sponsored activities.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. The use and possession of alcoholic beverages may be permitted when served as an integral part of the Culinary Arts Program or approved caterer at regularly scheduled activities in the Marie R. Prahl College Center and the Kildee/White Regional Technology Center Building, or at other campus locations, including the extension sites, if permitted by the rules of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.
  2. All events must comply with all Michigan Liquor Control Commission regulations.
  3. Alcoholic beverages must be incidental to the nature of the event.
  4. Food and nonalcoholic beverages must be available.
  5. Alcoholic beverages may be served in the Charles N. Pappas Presidential Conference Center and at the President’s Residence.

LEGAL REF: MCL 436.1513, as amended

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Revised: November 25, 2002
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4600 Contractors Affidavits and Guarantees

General: All contractors must submit proof of their coverage of current liability and workers compensation insurance, prior to the commencement of any project, as required by Michigan law to the director of business operations.

The following policy statements apply:

  1. All bids must stipulate that the contractors will provide liability coverages that total at least $1 million.
  2. On any construction project exceeding the financial limits set forth by Section 4410, Subsection 8, and the general contractor must provide a performance bond and a labor and material payment bond, both equal to the contract amount, to protect the College from the failure of the contractor or contractors to perform the terms and conditions of the contract.

LEGAL REF: MCL 129.201 – 129.211 (Worker’s Compensation Act Bonds)

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4610 Buildings and Grounds Management

General: The Board is entrusted with the responsibility to ensure that the buildings, grounds, and real property are properly maintained for the educational purposes intended, and to preserve and enhance their aesthetic value.

The following policy statements apply:

  1. The President and designated staff will develop a comprehensive program that will ensure proper maintenance of all College -owned real property.
  2. Every effort must be made to inspect and maintain buildings and grounds for maximum life expectancy, attractiveness, efficiency and safety.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.121 and 123, as amended

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4620 Risk Management

General: The President or his/her designee must develop, implement, and administer a comprehensive risk management plan to provide adequate and reasonable protection and safety to the College, its facilities, the Board, employees, students, and the general public.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.103, 121, 124, 125 and 128 et seq., as amended

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4625 Bonded Employees (and members of the Board of Trustees)

General: As a means of protecting public resources of the College and those responsible for handling the finances of the College, the President must ensure that appropriate personnel are covered by bonds.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. College employees who handle College funds must be bonded under a blanket bond secured by the College.
  2. Trustees are to be included in this blanket bond.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.114

Approved: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4630 Public Safety

General: The Board of Trustees recognizes the importance of and is committed to providing a safe and healthful working and learning environment. Public safety shall be an integral part of all college activities, including academics, operations, and student services.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. The Board establishes a Public Safety Oversight Committee.
  2. The President and designated staff will determine the safety related needs of the College and develop procedures and programs, as necessary, to meet those needs.
  3. A Security Report will be made available to the public, in accordance with the Clery Act.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.128, 129 and 130, as amended and Title II, Public Law 101-542, 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f) (Clery Act)

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4670 Vendor Relations

General: No agent or vendor may solicit on College property without first receiving approval from the President or designee. The College reserves the right to include or exclude vendors at its discretion. Vendors may not interfere with the educational or administrative processes of the College.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.103 and 125, as amended

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4680 Transportation

General: The College owns or leases vehicles to carry out the operations of the College.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. Vehicles will be purchased in accordance with the College purchasing policy.
  2. Vehicles may not be used for personal travel unless expressly approved by the President or his/her designee.
  3. Drivers of College-owned vehicles must be properly licensed, insured, and have safe driving records. Employees are required to complete an affidavit certifying proper licensure, and must notify the College of any changes in licensure.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.103 and 125, as amended

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4681 Private Vehicles

General: The College may allow employees to use their own privately owned vehicles to carry out the business of the College.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. The President or his/her designee may allow College employees to use privately owned vehicles for College business or activities where a College vehicle is not available or where it may be advantageous to use a personal vehicle.
  2. A valid driver’s license is required before an employee may be authorized to utilize their privately owned vehicle for College business. Employees are required to complete an affidavit certifying proper licensure, and must notify the College of any changes in licensure.
  3. It is the responsibility of each employee operating a privately owned vehicle for College business to ensure it is properly licensed and insured, and must notify the College of any changes in licensure and insurance coverage, in accordance with state law.
Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Approved: June 22, 2009

4700 Disposal of College Property – Personal Property

General: Maintenance of inventories of obsolete/inoperable/surplus equipment is not considered sound business practice. The President and/or designated staff are responsible for developing criteria for disposing of obsolete/inoperable/surplus tangible personal property.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.121, as amended

Approved: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4710 Disposal of College Property – Real Estate

General: the sale or disposal of College real property (buildings or land) requires Board authorization.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. The President will recommend to the Board the method and procedure of disposal of real property.
  2. Property must be appraised by a certified appraiser.
  3. Property may be donated, sold, or traded at the discretion of the Board.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.121, as amended

Approved: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4850 Mail and Delivery Services

General: A mail service system will be maintained within the College in order that U.S. mail, in-house communications, and communications from outside sources may be delivered to the intended recipient in the most practical way. The use of College mail facilities and personnel for distribution of materials and communications is restricted to materials and communications that further the educational purpose of the College.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.103 and 125, as amended

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4950 Information Resource/Data Management

General: The Administration of the College must establish and maintain procedures to insure security, safety, and confidentiality of data collected and stored electronically by the College, in accordance with all state and federal laws.

The following basic policy statements apply:

  1. The President and/or designated staff will develop a plan that provides for the orderly acquisition of databases, networks, information processing equipment and support materials that meet the needs of the College.
  2. The College will secure, catalog, and store appropriate materials in support of instructional and administrative needs.
  3. Fees and charges to access College resources, where applicable, will be established to maintain cost-effective operations while providing the greatest level of service to constituents.
  4. Cooperative sharing and saving relations with other entities may be established to maintain a cost-effective operation while providing the greatest level of service to the College community.
  5. The President will establish procedures to ensure the security, safety, and confidentiality of information and resources.
  6. All resources will be utilized in accordance with applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations; Board policies, and other appropriate College guidelines and directives.
  7. The College will maintain a records retention and disposal schedule in accordance with Michigan law.
  8. Users will be informed of their responsibility and rights in utilization of resources specified in this policy.

LEGAL REF: MCL, 15.231 et seq. and MCL 389.103 and 125, as amended

Approved: December 16, 1996
Revised: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4995 Credit Card Transactions

General: The Board authorizes the use of credit cards by employees under the following conditions:

  1. The President, or his/her approved designee, is responsible for the issuance, accounting, monitoring, retrieval, internal control, and general oversight of College credit cards by approved employees.
  2. Credit cards may be used only by approved employees of the College for the purchase of goods and services for official business of the College.
  3. An employee using a College credit card must submit receipts to the Accounting Office monthly.
  4. An employee issued a credit card is responsible for its protection and custody and shall immediately notify the supervisor if the card is lost or stolen. An employee issued a credit card must return the credit card upon termination of employment or when requested to do so by their supervisor.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.103 and 125, as amended

Approved: April 24, 2000
Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009

4996 Safe and Secure Storage of College Personal Property

General: The President will determine methods for the safe and secure storage of important original documents such as deeds to the College real estate, Board meeting minutes, other original records valuable or significant personal property, and other items of import.

LEGAL REF: MCL 389.103 and 125, as amended

Reviewed: May 11, 2009
Approved: June 22, 2009