Personal Appearance Checklist
Before My Interview I Need To:
- get a haircut
- shine my shoes
- buy a new _____________________________________________________
- check my makeup
- clean/press my clothes
- trim or remove beard/mustache
- buy a new or extra pair of stockings
- groom hands and nails
- shower and use a more-than-usual amount of deodorant
- use a minimum of perfume/after shave or not use any at all
- brush my teeth
I Will Wear My
- suit/dress - Describe: ___________________________________________
- skirt/blouse
- tie/neck scarf
- socks/stockings
- shoes
- jacket/coat
- jewelry (be conservative)
- purse/briefcase
I Will Bring:
- a small note pad
- a pen that works
- an extra copy of my resume
- a list of my references