Who We Are

The Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) is a cross-functional committee of staff and administrators that work toward the early identification and assessment of behavior that may put the well-being of the individual or the greater community at risk. While there is no single set of warning signs that will reliably predict harm or campus violence, the BIT Team conducts a comprehensive assessment to look for behavioral evidence that someone is planning or preparing to act out inappropriately or carry out some type of threat, and if appropriate, will intervene and recommend interventions that help ensure the likelihood of a positive and safe resolution.

BIT Reporting

The BIT Teams primary responsibility is to address situations in which students, faculty, or staff are displaying dangerous behaviors that may pose an imminent threat to the safety of the MCC college community. The BIT Team is guided by processes and procedures that are designed to help identify persons whose behaviors potentially endangers their own or others’ health and safety.

The BIT Team does not replace the Student Code of Conduct or Employee Conduct processes; as the BIT Team does not have sanctioning or disciplinary authority. However, BIT Team reporting is designed to notify BIT Team members of concerning behaviors that an individual is planning or preparing to act out inappropriately or to carry out some form of threat that may impact the health and/or safety of the college community. The BIT Team is designed to conduct a comprehensive assessment to intervene and apply intervention strategies that help ensure the likelihood of a positive and safe resolution.

While there is no single set of warning signs for dangerous behaviors, below are examples of dangerous behaviors that may take place in-person or online:

  • Direct or indirect communication intended to threaten faculty, staff, or students
  • Using objectifying language to depersonalize the instructor or other students
  • Using comments or conversations that are designed to cause distress or alarm instructors or other students, such as detailed, descriptive or glorification of weapons, killing or death
  • Fixated thoughts based in supremacy (that one group of people as identified by their shared race, ethnicity, sex, gender or religion is inherently superior and should have control over those other groups)
  • Paranoia or delusional thoughts on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others and/or governing bodies
  • Prolonged, non-verbal passive-aggressive behavior, such as sitting with arms crossed, glaring/staring with the intent to intimidate, and/or refusing to speak or respond to questions or directives
  • Self-injurious behavior, such as cutting or exposing previously unexposed self-harm injuries
  • Aggressive behaviors, such as storming out, slamming doors or throwing objects
  • Prolonged sense of arrogance or egotism to belittle or depreciate the faculty or other students
  • Communicating in derogatory, disparaging and/or contumelious manners
  • Exhibiting bullying type behaviors to invalidate, intimidate or make an individual feel timid or fearful to participate